Poll: I'll be getting an iPad
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Hell yes, Steve Jobs is The MAN!!
4 11.76%
Yes, it looks like a great product.
4 11.76%
Sure, I'm a tech freak.
0 0%
Maybe, if I can find a use for it.
4 11.76%
Probably not. It looks cool but I dont see how I'd use it.
7 20.59%
Probably not because AT&T sucks donkey balls.
0 0%
No way. Looks like a complete waste of money.
10 29.41%
Hell no. Did you see the "PC 4 Life" tattooed on my neck?
5 14.71%
Total 34 vote(s) 100%
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Poll: iPad
Jakensama Wrote:I'm also pissed at apple in general after the weekend of headaches trying to get my ipod touch working after I accidentally updated the firmware and realized that they had done their damndest to not be able to run the firmware you want on a product you bought. Fuck apple.


(not that I approve of such things...)
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market
Redsn0w boxes the touches wifi at the moment.
Slamz Wrote:I wonder what's next for Apple...

[Image: ipad-iboard-imat-100x300.jpg]

Hmm. Kinda stuck in a rut.

Many a word spoken in jest...


[Image: IGP6972_highres-1-642x379.jpg]
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market
Slamz Wrote:Basically, I want to see some solid A+ titles moving to the iPad before I'm likely to invest in one. What I've seen is interesting and I'm sure I'd get use out of it, but it's game designs from 1992. The graphics may be better but the actual design and depth of the game is from 1992. (And that might be a generous estimate. Starflight was 1986. Star Control 2 was 1992. Total Annihilation was 1997. Let me know when the iPad has something like that but with modern graphics.)
I think that time may be soon. iPad 2 has 9X the graphic processing power of the (already impressive) original iPad, plus HDMI mirroring. According to the article below it's about 2 years away from exceeding capabilities of consoles. Some incredibly immersive and original games coming out this year already.

Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market
How does a device with the hard drive/flash memory space to hold 2 or 3 real games compete with consoles? Im also curious on how they intend on this video processor that can compete with modern consoles is going to dissapate heat properly in tablet format.

Yet to see a tablet game that isn't gimmicky, plus playing on a non tactily responsive screen compared to a controller is a joke.

Although they will probably have a market with the casual wii gimick gamers.
Hard drive/flash size isn't going to matter before long. Everything will be on the cloud.
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market
We're not 2 years away from entire (real, not ipad) games being on the cloud.
I personally do not see everything moving to the cloud anytime soon. Sure it will be an option for those that want it but folks like me will resist using apps hosted in the 'cloud' until they put a gun to my head and force me to use it or some similar extreme inducement. I like owning physical media. I only recently got on Steam and that only because a game I bought in hard copy form installed Steam as part of its installation and the only software I acquire through Steam is stuff that they give me a huge price discount on and even then I am really uncomfortable owning games for which I have no physical media. I like physical media.
Zirak / Thanoslug in lots of MMOs
[Image: homicidal.jpg]
"Consensus: The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead." -Margaret Thatcher
Jakensama Wrote:We're not 2 years away from entire (real, not ipad) games being on the cloud.
Care to put some money on that? Wink
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market
First off, I am aware this thread is over a month old, but I still wanted to give my 2 cents Smile

Jakensama Wrote:I just found out it can't multitask.

I'm not sure what you mean by this because for what I think it means, it can.

I have the 1st gen iPad, and I LOVE IT. I had the original Kindle, this has 100% replaced it, I love that it's lit where the Kindle I had was not. BUYING books in the Kindle store is way better too since it brings you to the actual amazon website.

As for your not multitasking, it can just like the iPhone4 (which I also have). All you do is doubletap the home button and it brings up a list of your apps. It IS kinda annoying to go through them all like that, but when you can listen to the iPod, have your GPS on, AND look at a website for some place you want to go near you, it's pretty awesome (my iPhone is the only thing I use in my car for music and I also use it for a GPS sometimes).

Having said all of that, I wanted one as soon as my uncle got one and I could see exactly what they did. I could not, however, afford one. I only got one after my dad ran out and got the iPad2 the day it came out and he gave me his 1st gen.

Also, if you plan on being near a wifi connection most of the time, I wouldn't waste the extra money on the 3G. I never use it and it's like $15 a month for extremely limited access.
[Image: Aerrixriftsig.jpg]
When I had an ipad I found it an unacceptably poor substitute for the kindle, its heavier (which doesn't matter til you are reading for 3 hours on a train and then it gets annoying), more unwieldly (I can fit my kindle in my overcoats pocket, not an ipad), and the back light is worse on your eyes. Not sure how often the backlight is really a plus, I suppose if you are a coal miner and often trying to read in the darkness its a helpful.

I just read on my android (iphone works well too, although the screens smaller than the desire) if I dont have my kindle on me, no reason to waste money on a pad that does basically nothing different than a smartphone. If I did look at a tablet again (I already got rid of our ipad), it would be the asus transformer as a little netbook replacement, as with its keyboard docking station (which comes with an extra battery), it essentially is one..

Although gingerbread still needs some more work, hopefuly the fact that decent new tablets are being built that will come along quickly.. didn't take the phone OS to catch up with (and in some opinions surpass) iOS on phones.

Grieve Wrote:
Jakensama Wrote:We're not 2 years away from entire (real, not ipad) games being on the cloud.
Care to put some money on that? Wink

Sorry, I didnt see that. Sure, 500 bucks says that 2 years from your posting date there will not be ps3 quality games on the cloud. Considering the best games available on pads/iphones at this point are from emulators, they have a long way to go.

Chaos Rings was squares big attempt to bring a 'real' rpg to the ipad and it was a hallow shell of a game - but thats the whole ipad marketing scheme, 5-10 buck micro games.. bah.
Cloud games will get bogged down by 1-star reviews from people complaining about it because, basically, their cell phone coverage isn't that good.

I'm also not convinced that cell phone providers can handle that kind of throughput. 4G is brand new and not that widespread and I think that's about what you need for real cloud support. You could rely on wifi but again, prepare for hordes of complaints. "1 star: app kept losing connection while I was on the metro". If Apple is going to head to cloud computing, I think it'll be their first serious blunder when it comes to picking up new technology.

10 years from now: maybe. 2 years: nope.
Onlive is the cloud gaming service and a lot of people think it has potential. It apparently runs a good deal of games quite well, but not perfectly. The caveat however is having a fairly fast dedicated home line.

We are still quite a ways off from the US mobile data infrastructure to be suitable for such activities... its behind Europe and far behind places like Japan and its not ready there yet either.

2 years is ridiculous. Maybe after the PS4 and the xbox whatever we'll be somewhere where these gay little tablets are a viable alternative (although god help us if we have to buy and iNcremental upgrade every year to game)

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