a helping hand
hey all! ya any ways this is talonxaria from BH i pritty much grew up with Ellia level wise back there and with the trasnfers and you guys moving to crushridge we havent seen much of eachother. any ways i heard you guys are having some dificulties with MC so i guess ill give you guys some tips up to magmadar... even with tips the journy is still hard and will take practice to become perfect.

TS and the highest CTRA are required to raid with my guild and im sure its a requirement for you guys as well. we keep coms clear and have the leader of the raid direct everything from what will be pulled who will be pulling to who etc...

okay thats the brief explination to that i guess its off to the explaining of monsters now....

1) molten giants: these are the very first two mobs you pull. only one hunter is needed to pull this but you can have two if you want too. if you have two hunters each will pull to their respective tank but shooting a distracting shot running past the tank who will peel it off with taunt and sunder. the hunter should also feign death to clear their agro from the distracting shot. since giants kick warriors which causes the warrior to lose agro we have the warriors put their backs to the wall so the giant can just kick them into the wall and nothing will happen really. when the tank is comfortable with agro they should announce over TS/Vent to open fire on their target. i suggest you work on one target then move on to the next. i wont tell you when to say open fire since i dont play a warrior and im sure warriors know about their agro control... based on my thinking a taunt and a sunder should be enough to hold agro... especially if your spamming sunder but ya im not to sure since im a shaman. ya thats about it for giants tanks have backs to the wall and focus fire. (all of MC should be focus fire)

2) lava annihilators: group hug thats about it. every one melee range no matter what class you are. they do more damage if they charge some one so just dog pile the thing.

3) lava surgers: dont hug it... we usually let melee go in and hit up this thing there really is no main tank. the only real rule with these guys is dont stand near the edges or you can get thrown into the lava.

4) fire lords: wear fire resist gear for this. one tank will tank it no one will fire. when the first fire spawn comes up every one attack the firespawn because if they split and they will keep multiplying if you dont kill em. we have mages use aoe rather than nuke so they can get damage on the firelord and the fire spawn. when there are no spawns people can work on the firelord but when there are firespawns burn em down as fast as possible. it helps to have the MT box on the firelord and the second MT (aka the MA) for assisting on the firespawn. we have melee on the firespawns and ranged on the firelord but aoe if you can (mages/locks).

5) core hounds: these guys are pritty random as to their special ability. they will either do a series of magic effects, warstomp, or this fear thing. suposedly the fear thing can be releaved by a tremor totem but im not sure on this. any ways have the main tank face the dog away from the raid so that it will only breath on him. then you comence operation corn hole. every one should be firing at it from behind. if it is a warstomping or "fearing" dog keep regens on the main tank.

6) molten destroyers: range only. pritty much the same thing as a giant tanks have their backs to a wall but keep these away from the raid group and range only the thing.

7) imps: these are fun. have a warrior pull these and use his shout to taunt them all to him. right after he uses shout every one should open up aoe with healers healing the tank that used his shout. who ever uses their shout should be said of TS/Vent. an order in which shouts should come should be announced before the pull. healers should also be healing the aoe'ers but in a perfect world the tank that shouted will keep all the agro.

8 ) hound packs: there are 5 hounds. you need 5 warriors one for each dog. have MT boxes up for all of them. a hunter will pull and each warrior will take their dog get them in a tight ball and face them outward because that if that bite stacks up on the tank it will rip em apart and the healers wont be able to heal through it. once they are all facing outwards and all of them are in a tight little ball have mages and warlocks open up their aoe. dps will only be to watch those 5 MT boxes and put in some damage to keep all the health level. you want all 5 of these dogs to die at the same time. once it says all 5 are smoldering you have done your job BUT keep the aoe on and keep the heals on the tanks. that dot can kill your tank even when the dogs are dead and just keep the aoe on till they disappear just to be safe.

thats pritty much every mob untill you get past garr... now before i go over luci and mag ill enlighten you on a way to skill a few headaches.

the area between the two bridges before the imps... we all stand there and fight the surgers there. it may seem dangerous but if you all stay in the middle of that walkway and reposition yourself after every hit you shouldnt fall in the lava. its crucial to stay in the center and reposition every time or it could get ugly. we take all the surgers possible there other than the last one. for the last surger we all just hug the right wall and sneak into the pocket avoiding those imps entirely and taking that last surger in the pocket. the warrior who will do the first shout will touch the right wall look around the corner and pull the imps in the second pocket next to the exit to that cavern. he will pull them back and let off his shout signaling for aoe to open up. dont expect to get everything perfect, if people die dont worry about it just get em rezzed. with this strat you only need to take one set of imps. you then hug the right wall again go to where those imps where and get into magmadars cavern. you pull the hound pack on the right and kill them then you are ready for luci.

Luci: this is a fairly easy fight. set up two off tank groups for his adds. 2 or 3 healers is enough for each off tank depending on how many you have. luci should be tanked if the corner where that pack of dogs was pulled from along the right hand wall. you can use two tanks for safety. one tank will be using taunt and sunder but the other will only be there so he will be next on the dps chart so they he can take the agro if the main tank should die. these two tanks should be on luci the whole time while the off tanks are killing the adds.

the adds: this is an easy healing job just brute force heal it. these adds can and will mind control so be ready with the purge/dispells. every one focus fire on on add at a time burn one down then the next. these adds will be pulled down to the bottom off the hill that you snuck into while exiting where the imps came from. remember this entire fight no one should be near that cavern where the imps are because they respawn and can agro and wipe the raid. these adds should go down fast and the healing job shouldnt be hard at all.

back to luci: when the adds are dead those healers should get to healing the main tank. none of the healers should be close enough to be getting hit by doom. waves of melee should be assigned. you can decide how many waves you want but they will go in and go out freely and wont be getting healed. the only person that should be getting heals is the main tank... no healers should be in range of being hit by doom so they shouldnt take damage at all. mages might get hit... not sure about that but try to use your longest ranged attack so you dont get hit by doom. any ways these waves of melee will run in attack as much as they can, when they are hit my doom the call should be announced and they should run out stand behind the healers who should be out of range of doom and bandage up not wait for a heal... thats right BANDAID. with this in mind you will most likely want enough waves of melee that they will be able to bandage up and be able to rebandage by the time they are hit with the second doom. also you should put a person on dispell duty for the two tanks so they dont get hit by the doom to make the healing job a little easier. keep this up and stay away from the cavern with the imps and youll get this boss down.

okay now that youve done this take any bios now you dont want to take a bio before magmadar. you will be on a time limit to kill magmadar. once you clear all those mobs to get to him your time limit is their respawn time.

magmadar: i do not recommend this fight unless you have 2-3 tranq shots with you. hunters have right of speach in this fight. they will announce their name and wether they hit with the tranq or not. the hunters will know the order they go in and will go when its their turn and when mag is in his frenzy. it is also nice to have an extra hunter with tranq as a patrol incase some one happens to miss and the next hunters tranq timer isnt up yet. this only takes one tank. we like to have the tank stand at the top of the hill... like how when you look at magmadar hes down in a ditch will pull him back up into that little hallway thing. have the tank stand at the top where he is gona tank and have the healers get at max healing range so they wont be feared. have 3 shaman in the tanks group for tremor and fire resist totems. all 3 shamans should drop tremor and fire resist to be safe... any other totems you only need one of. when magmadar spits his fire balls you should move left or right out of it... please who ever is tanking do not stand in that spit your healers cant heal you through that. now your probly asking why pull him up out of his ditch? well here is your answer... we like to send all the hunters down behind magmadar so they can shoot him from behind... also we like to send a healer with them to keep them alive just incase they get spit on or something. melee... just like everything else do not go in if you are not at full health. well just keep it up, healers stay at max range dont get feared, stay out of the lava spit, keep the tranq shots up, keep the tremor totems and fire resist totems down... also if the tank knows how to stance dance that would help and moving backwards and forwards helps too but dont get to far out of position. the warrior will pull magmadar by himself and its nice to have the shaman drop their totems before the warrior pulls so the tank knows where he has to go back too. just keep it up and your good for the kill.


melee: keep yourselves alive dont expect heals... if you have enough healers to be able to have a spot healer then props to ya but i sugest start farming runecloth for them bandages

healers: try not to get hit and always practice max range but be aware or your surroundings so you dont back into more mobs or off into the lava.

hunters: you guys have an easy way to clear agro so if you know your dishing out the damage feel free to feign death to clear your agro list

mages: you guys dont have any real way to clear agro unless you can iceblock so the tank can get it back... other than that just make sure the tank has the agro and maybe wait to open up till a little later if your having problems containing yourself

i dont know how you guys do on onyxia but she takes the utmost of comunication and togetherness. you must all work as one. one person screwing up will wipe you so i dont suggest attempting her untill you all feel that you are perfectly capable of containing your agro. FR gear on her is nice but between you and me... with less than 100FR i didnt die on her and thats as a shaman with totem duty for the main tank having to run right front of the big dragon.

well hope that helps you some. but like i said even with notes they take a while to learn. good luck on your pve adventures can hope you guys can get some sexy epics. miss you all on BH... o btw enclave folded for good if you didnt know. unholy eclipse folded too. lag turned to sock puppets. rain of sorrows turned to elusive. *think* drama drama blah blah w/e i dont care haha ya well good luck guys your a great guild hope to see you succed some more.

<3 Ellia (hehe dont worry i wont tell em your real name)
cool...definetely gonna re read this before I run MC. TY Smile
I wouldn't say were having difficulties.

Thanks for the info though Smile

we havent exactly won it either ;P

in any case, we appreciate the input. We're having fun with it, and each time we go, it gets better and we learn more. We will start making some real progress when everyone has more experience under their belt as it stands now, each time we go, it is with about 1/3 new people. So it will take some time before everyone knows what they're doing.
Gameless (for now)
Yes excellent information and advice very simmilar to my MC encounters prior to moving to horde. . . . Aside from the use of totems . . . hehe
if you guys have any questions or need help with anything... that doesnt involve me actually being on your server feel free to hop back on BH and send me a tell


yup yup make sure you guys work on fire resist gear too for ragnaros... we have a minimum of 150 now to go to fight ragnaros... ya its better to get a head start on that stuff rather than be rushed... bleh

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