Irraka goes least I would like to.
Irraka 50 Rogue

Hello I am Irraka. I am a hardcore player who enjoys long walks along the beaches of Stranglethorn, ganking Newb Alli around my level, and chocolate covered gnomes on a warm Winterspring day. I usually play after work till the early hours in the morning and enjoy the company of good guild mates. I began playing WoW in the late stages of the Beta and have played a large mix of characters till I finally found my calling... Horde Troll Rogue. Irraka soon became my Main and have played him ever since.

My guild history has been somewhat dramatic. I began Irraka amongst the mighty 'Grimharvest Clan' of Bleeding Hollow...joined through a Rogue everybody knows 'Fatima' (now Fatama which changed upon the transfer to Crushridge). As Grimharvest transfered over together to Crushridge it became known as 'Fallen Brotherhood' I was one of the transfering characters. I grew with FB and then one morning I came online and the guild name had changed to 'Babies with Rabies'. Now usually I am completely devoted to a guild. But as a personal preference I can't stand guild names that aren't serious or are silly. So although I remained friends with the members of the guild..including Eobi (guild Leader) I left BwR. I soon formed my own guild 'Silver Fang' we grew very slowly (mainly because everybody already had a guild) and then eventually stopped growing all together. Although I remained active the guild fell apart through inactivity of its members and I disbanded. So then I began my search for a guild as mighty as 'Grimharvest' but commited to its name. Purge seemed to be the answer.

I am looking for a guild for end game content runs...and of course a lot of PVP. I plan on hitting 51 today and am looking forward to doing some AV and WSG to raise my Honor Rank very soon. Seeing the end game content is a goal of mine because I love the 'New Stuff' feeling; but PVP seems to be my real passion. As the Battlegrounds seem very random with the players I get picked with I find myself on teams with very little interest in working together or even forming an intelligent strategy. I have been interested in Purge since the day I transfered over from Bleeding Hollow and I look forward to playing with an intelligent group of gamers who work together to create fantastic teams of PVP'ers and can dominate the BG's.

I have already made a good friend out of 'Cherryfruit' a 50 priest in your guild. HELLO CHERRY! Hope to become friends with the rest of you soon!


You can usually find me online in the evenings or email me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> if you need to contact me.
Thanks for your interest in the Purge. It is nice to see someone is still stalking SV. Look forward to seeing you in game, the best way to get in is to find yourself in more Purge groups.

As karne said, thanks for the app! Talk to us in game, and hopefully we can get you into some groups around your level so we can get to know you better. Good luck to you!
Gameless (for now)
Hey, I'm a 60 warlock and I usually play every Tuesday/Thursday nites from 8pm EST to midnight. If you need a hand with something, I'm game as I have no problem helping people get quests done, regardless of level (Heck, I can't tell you how many WC runs I've made lately helping some mid 20 folks)

Anyway, send a chat and if I'm not already grouped, I'll be glad to help ya with PvE stuff

2 things though everyone must do first...
Bring taco's
Talk to Joe....

Iluyzhat, 60 warlock (zhat)
Iluysplat, 27 Mage (splat)

If he's spent some time with our she-male fruit, and became "good friends"...
not sure how highly that speaks for this guy. Besides, he might expect that the rest of us are frooty too...


j/k Irraka, look forward to rippin the alliance up with ya in WSG or something. Big Grin

Hey Iluyzhat:
why tacos?

*braces for impact*
[Image: 9390838iRwko.png]
#6 about those taco's...any preferences ...soft...hard...chicken...beef? ??

....and....whos Joe?

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