Taken (the movie)
Just got done watching this. I thought it was very good. If you haven't seen it you should. It had a surprising lack of Hollywood cheese and didn't stray too far out of the range of plausibility. Great fight scenes and suspense, and good acting.

Two thumbs up.
Two thumbs up from me on this one. The movie was non-stop action the second his daughter is taken until the end. Very little if any hollywood cheese here.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
-Thomas Jefferson

Spread my work ethic not my wealth.
It was a very good movie.


Riz says, "That's made of pure bacon and win!"
Yeah I liked it very much. Frighteningly, my girlfriend was traveling from ireland to croatia and she had some strange dude following her on both flights and approached her about which hostel she was staying at. Very scary.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
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[Image: sterb037.gif]
I agree. Great action movie. I was kind of dubious about it but after Hulu made me watch the trailer like 85 times I decided I might as well see the rest.

Oh, on the note of recently watched action movies, I finally watched "The Punisher" out of sheer lack of other things to put in my Netflix queue. It actually wasn't nearly as bad as I had been lead to believe. Although the cheese factor is still quite high, I found it tolerable. (A guy who spins upside down from a chandelier spraying bullets willy-nilly is suddenly really upset by an accidental casualty? Really?!) Besides, the Punisher is Titus Pullo. It was fun. And by fun I mean lots of bad people got horrifically shot, and hey, what's not to like about that.

Other action movies to Netflix:
Kung Fu Hustle (if you like really silly kung fu action movies)
Chocolate (if Jackie Chan and Jet Li had a 13 year old niece, this would be her. Some of the stunts are cheesy but most of them literally had me go, "oh my god, did that stuntman just DIE?" The clips they play during the credits show that they did, in fact, send quite a number of people to the hospital).

I thought the last Bond movie (Quantum of Solace) was good as well, though I wish I'd re-watched the previous one first, as it's basically a continuation.
Slamz Wrote:Chocolate (if Jackie Chan and Jet Li had a 13 year old niece, this would be her. Some of the stunts are cheesy but most of them literally had me go, "oh my god, did that stuntman just DIE?" The clips they play during the credits show that they did, in fact, send quite a number of people to the hospital).

This one is available to watch instantly, I will check it out.
Slamz Wrote:Kung Fu Hustle (if you like really silly kung fu action movies)
I thought this one was fantastic, even my gf liked it. She usually hates every movie I like on principle.

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