This board needs at least 10 more "hello from VZ"
Zephyrs Wrote:
Quote:Jailok + 100 alts - He plays games still like EQ2, Vanguard, PotBS. He plays a lot different than me and has more free time so is able to just dick around on various games doing god knows what.

Does he know we are playing POTBS? We are on Guadaloupe on the pirate team!

Yah oddly enough we all three made characters on Guadalupe at the pre-release. Wrang stopped about 2 weeks in cause he didn't think it was worth the .001% of his monthly income to play.

My character Bruce Lee the Pirate is almost level 50 (I'm slow cause of WAR beta phases). Jailoks toon Jackie Chan is level 44 I think. We're both in Bregan D Arthee but that society only has about 5 people in it.

Probably starting from now on I'm just going to do PvP. I have an Abandon's Will deed and about 9 MC Tigre's which I just plan to use once I hit 50. I need to start hooking up with you guys cause solo PvP gets me ganked pretty fast.

Oh I think the XK site is I can't get to it from work because apparently the host site is blocked on our routers.
Justium / Brikk - Back in EQ days on VZ
Many Many other games....
You guys are in bda? Hah.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
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[Image: sterb037.gif]
Yah well I think it was just the first society spamming out invites on the first day. I either solo'd or grouped with Jailok and Wrang. Last night was my first time to do a PUG PvP group. Got about 3 kills until all the big boy brits showed up.
Justium / Brikk - Back in EQ days on VZ
Many Many other games....
You should hook up with the Purge crew on there Justium. Those guys have been working on pvp tactics for awhile now. Even pulling off some nice victories against stronger opponents. The RvR scale of the PvP is what drew this crew into the game.
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