Kravnod 60 Hunter
Hey im kravnod im 15 years old and im a level 60 hunter. i was doing battle grounds one day and saw someone from the purge and asked if they did MC and he said yes i have grouped with people form the purge before and they seemed like a nice group of people. so he gave me the website and im apping now =). i have alot of Mc and BWL experiance ice cleared threw both before. i know the fights well and i know the role of my class, im also a quik learner and a good listener and open minded to any new thing someone would have inmind. i dont take offensive to constuckive critism because there only trying to help you. i have my Fr at 145 with only 1 great. i have all blue gear expect for a couple of epics(Dragonstalker cap, Giantstalker cap, giants stalkler gloves, amulet of thedarkmoon, the zg bracers, and the epic bow off Bl in ZG lol) im really hopeing to get into this guild beacause i love to raid, your a great bunch of people, and you care about how a player feels not just there gear and experiance(i know this form your aping proceess) Thank you for taking the the time to read my app i hope to hear form you soon.
kravnod Wrote:im also a quik learner and a good listener and open minded to any new thing someone would have inmind. i dont take offensive to constuckive critism

Well, some constructive criticism from me would be to take those quick learning skills into an english class
We're not raiding anymore Smile
Certified Raid Boss
We raid.. Fid.. but it's called BF now BWL..

The Best Phat Lewtzors drop in BF.. BWL is so outdated...

I say group raid.. on BF.. 4 pm server time..

See you there,

Oh yah .. In Canada there are age requirements on BF.. and it's 19..
Trotts <-- Damn goldfish got stuck on my head.
Some tell the Bush Administration They Left a Child Behind.
Now...THAT is a regular 15 year old.....Be glad you got ME and n...

:roll: Not even going to finish the sentence.....
Hey Kravnod, I think what people mostly are trying to say here is that if you're looking for a regular raiding guild, The Purge probably isn't your best bet. Especially right now, we're not raiding at all, due to summertime and some burnout with WoW.

So, I wish you luck in your search for a raid-centric guild.

kravnod Wrote:Hey im kravnod im 15 years old and im a level 60 hunter. i was doing battle grounds one day and saw someone from the purge and asked if they did MC and he said yes i have grouped with people form the purge before and they seemed like a nice group of people. so he gave me the website and im apping now =). i have alot of Mc and BWL experiance ice cleared threw both before. i know the fights well and i know the role of my class, im also a quik learner and a good listener and open minded to any new thing someone would have inmind. i dont take offensive to constuckive critism because there only trying to help you. i have my Fr at 145 with only 1 great. i have all blue gear expect for a couple of epics(Dragonstalker cap, Giantstalker cap, giants stalkler gloves, amulet of thedarkmoon, the zg bracers, and the epic bow off Bl in ZG lol) im really hopeing to get into this guild beacause i love to raid, your a great bunch of people, and you care about how a player feels not just there gear and experiance(i know this form your aping proceess) Thank you for taking the the time to read my app i hope to hear form you soon.

Right now, I'm currently farming Timbermaws to try and get the new drop Uther's Paragraph Schematic 9000 . If you're interested in helping, message Runonsentence in game, and we can hook up.
People thought I was dumb, but I proved them.
Keetz! Where have you been?! I had to quit the guild because I didn't get innervates from you ):
Mangofruit, Cherryfruit, Rottingfruit, Peachfruit, Passionfruit, Orangefruit, Bananafruit, Tomatofruit, purgeaqbank, (emptyslot) - Yep, still playing WoW.
You might see an old face or two in my guild Taunka Trucks if you ever take blizzard up on their 10 day renewal.
Fruit! I've been around. Haven't had time to play WoW a whole lot, thanks to family stuff and work.

I also picked up Guild Wars: Factions and have been checking that out for the past few days.

What's shakin'? You guys still playing on Crushridge? I can drop in and hang out there if there's anything good going on. Someday, I may even finish leveling my 32 Warrior.

I can also log on Grieve and drop an innervate on the MT next time there's a ZG run! Maybe you too, if you're lucky!
People thought I was dumb, but I proved them.
kravnod Wrote:i have my Fr at 145 with only 1 great.

unfortunately your FR is far too high for us. we require FR's of under 1 great.

your welcome to try your app again after you destroy several pieces.

warmest regards.
Keetz Wrote:
kravnod Wrote:Hey im kravnod im 15 years old and im a level 60 hunter. i was doing battle grounds one day and saw someone from the purge and asked if they did MC and he said yes i have grouped with people form the purge before and they seemed like a nice group of people. so he gave me the website and im apping now =). i have alot of Mc and BWL experiance ice cleared threw both before. i know the fights well and i know the role of my class, im also a quik learner and a good listener and open minded to any new thing someone would have inmind. i dont take offensive to constuckive critism because there only trying to help you. i have my Fr at 145 with only 1 great. i have all blue gear expect for a couple of epics(Dragonstalker cap, Giantstalker cap, giants stalkler gloves, amulet of thedarkmoon, the zg bracers, and the epic bow off Bl in ZG lol) im really hopeing to get into this guild beacause i love to raid, your a great bunch of people, and you care about how a player feels not just there gear and experiance(i know this form your aping proceess) Thank you for taking the the time to read my app i hope to hear form you soon.

Right now, I'm currently farming Timbermaws to try and get the new drop Uther's Paragraph Schematic 9000 . If you're interested in helping, message Runonsentence in game, and we can hook up.

Ugh, yeah, good luck getting it....the recipe is a bitch to get!

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