New Application - Tezrend - Naval Action
Hello all, thank you for considering my application.

First, I have been a long time gamer starting with Wizardry 1 on my 8088 PC computer back in I think about 1988-89? I am 39 years old.

Online game titles of note that I have played over the years include:
Allegiance - PVP
Jumpgate - PVP - Led a significant squadron and was actually one of a few key players in the faction I was with (back when I had lots of time and little real life)
Neocron - PVP
Eve - PVP
Star Wars Galaxies
Final Fantasy 11 & 14
Naval Action - PVP

Single Player game titles of note
Master of Orion
Wing Commander
Final Fantasy series
etc etc

What brought me to Naval Action was my love of Sid Meiers Pirates and then also because I have been reading through the Aubrey / Maturin series of books by Patrick O Brien. Plus the movies on Steam were just beautiful. I have great hopes that as Naval Action nears actual release that it will become much more polished and deep.

As far as personality is concerned, I would have to say I am mostly laid back. Teamspeak-wise I suppose I probably ask way too many questions early on, but as I learn whatever game I am playing I tend to end up being very reserved and mostly just follow orders, though when I feel I have become an expert in any given game I can fulfill a leadership role and call battles etc (In Jumpgate I was probably the #1 target in 50+ ship battles way back in the day and usually just called targets and strategy while dodging, running, and drawing fire)

I seem to bump into people I have known in previous games from time to time as well. I have few people whom I can't get along with, even when we were bitter enemies in games in the past.

Last, I will never be able to devote too much of my life to games anymore.
I am a business owner
I have 2 daughters whom I see Mon. Wed. and then some weekends
I am divorced
I have a girlfriend
In nice weather months I try to get outside a lot
I used to have a deskjob where I would check forums all the time, but now I would say I am NOT a huge forum person.

All of this being said, I do still like to pop on to whatever game I am playing daily, if only for a short time.

I guess that is it - sorry for the rambling with no organization whatsoever.

Thanks again,
Darrel aka Tezrend

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