PvP, WoW, etc.
Collision is really the least of my worries... If they can get the combat to a point where you feel like you always have a fighting chance then you can sign me up.

And I'm not talking about those people that think you should be able to be a 10th level warrior and take a 40th level necro... I'm talking about being a 20th level warrior and knowing that if you get 5 friends you have a shot at that 40th necro. Being 40th has to mean something or being 40th loses some of its fun, but I absolutely despised the feeling you got in EQ when someone 5 levels above you was almost unhittable.

Item loot is something that I'm still on the fence about. I think that coin only is a good start, but that would mean that coin needs to have some sort of value in the game. If there is no uber loot to lose, item loot becomes more tenable. I hate the idea of building a character around a piece of gear only to have it looted, but I hate even more the "bagging" phenomenon that we experienced in the early Zek days. Was bagging not the gheyest thing you have ever seen? Talk about game mechanics ruining any sort of immersion... watching a troll running away while stripping down to his underpants has to be one of the most rediculous things I've ever experinced in MMOGing.
WAR = Zeel, Zeelio, Sheldon
WoW = Zeelio
EQ = Sheldon
RL = Sean
/fullyagree Fenix
~ Krym | ~ Sigmire | ~ Kurgan
lvl: 31 warlock
Sigmire Wrote:/fullyagree Fenix

No one asked you fatty.

Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
awwww *cries* :cry:
~ Krym | ~ Sigmire | ~ Kurgan
lvl: 31 warlock

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