Hi, my characters name is Baldev I am a 28 Orc Hunter. I'm looking to join Purge because the members I have met so far have been great people who don't mind helping a stranger out, which not many people will do and is exactly what I look for in a guild.

MMO Experience: Ultima Online 97-00, I quit because they added Facets which took away the whole aspect of the game that I loved, which was being able to be attacked anytime anywhere.

PvP Experience: Well if any of you ever played UO before Facets you'd know you had to be good to live. World of Warcraft since the release, I have been told by many that I am very good. I have mentored many of my friend's on how to PvP, I love teaching so if any of you would like some pointers feel free to contact me and we can have a duel and i'll see what I can do.
You have other characters then I assume?
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Yes I do, I have a 34 Shadow Priest named Baalberith, rest are just lowbies. I also have a 56 Gnome Mage on Ner'zhul, but Alliance piss me off so i switched servers with my real life friend and went Horde.
My character Baldev is now 30
Check out the HK list and I think you'll see that the Purge has "maybe" 1 or 2 that are "capable" of doing "ok" in PvP....huh Hoof????
Yeah I know you have good pvpers... I was just extending some help to anyone if they don't know how to or need some help improving.
39 now
Baldev is a nice kid. Fun to group with, and he loves pvp.

I was wondering if anybody would like to team on some BGs
Keep leveling bud and nice attitude. We have another former Ner'zhul Alliance player who is now a 60 warrior here so you should feel right at home Wink

Level up! Hope to hear of ya grouping with some Purgies until then.
60 Troll Priest
300 Alchemy/Herbalsim
~The Purge~
what lvl are you now? I got a 33 warrior named Destration(don't ask plz Smile ) lemme know if ya need a grp...
Like a marine, healing shammy's are teh few and teh proud. Well except for the proud part...
Oh nice, yeah i'll be able to share my greef with how badly Alliance suck with someone who actually knows first hand what i'm talkin about ;P
Oh hehe well i'm lvl 40 now, I actually accidently hit 40 I killed this Pally in Arathi and forgot that I was 608 from lvling and Killed this Air Elemental that was hitting my pet Sad

So now once again i'm the lowbie in BG *cry*

Hahahaha, but yeah man if you ever need some help or if your in STV and someone dares to kill you let me know i'll straighten them out ;P

get ahold of me in game (shmobiggles) and i'll log in a 41 warrior to group up with you.
Besides my 60 lock, I have Splat...Iluysplat to you in game, who is 41 atm...Mage, questing in Feralis....look me up...I promise not to talk about taco's
Ok cool, i'll definetly see you ingame but only if you promise to talk about Tacos Iluyzhat ;P
yepper's, anytime...
I was just wondering if people thought hunters are overpowered now? I think they still arn't just people don't know how to deal with a pet that isn't completely freakin useless lol.
Don't make me laugh... a beast masters pet can solo a priest these days... if thats not over powered, i don't know what is.

Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)
GIMP the freaks!!!! Hahaha..

Actually, I ran into a 47 Hunter this weekend, Splat (42 Mage) and a 41 Rogue were hunting in Hinterlands....He died THREE times to us, and we were on mobs at the same time (the rogue even said he was amazed at the damage my mage did).....the rogue kept laughing becuase the guy didn't seem to know his class...

But Alas!!!!

We were getting camped after that by 3 of them, so, in comes Zhat, 60 lock, and I got trashed by his pet!!! Still a bit amazed, but I really wasn't prepared for PvP and I have always had a hard time in PvP with my Lock (unlike my mage). But still, his pet ate right thru me, so go figure.....
Well I can see how a Beast Masters pet can Solo a... well... bad Priest hahaha Now I really can't say how good they have become... seing as on every class i've played I always seem to own fools, so maybe other hunters can put in their two sense. I do think that if you work the hunter and pet right you can take them down, EG fear the hunter so he cannot cast any of his pets special abilities... and of course while he is feared cast on him or the pet. You are able to cast Scream (without the talent boost) every 30 seconds, while playing my priest I have been able to scream a few times during a battle, so just keep on screaming the pet and work that hunter and I think you'd be fine.
In solo pvp sure... but that doesn't happen anymore... my main purpose in AV/AB/WSg is to heal my mates... that doesn't give me the benefit of trying to take down a hunter when they do eventually find me in my hiding spot...

Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)
Well yeah in BG, but wait so you don't solo pvp at all anymore... it just never happens...? Your hiding spot? Of course your going to lose to a hunter in BG, unless no player comes and attacks you or him and you are both at full hp... than it is like solo pvping.
I am now level 44, Update 11/9/2005 I am now 45
Anyone else out there that's near my lvl that would like to group? We can do whatever, I can be backup to one of your lowbies if you like Tongue or of course we could go PvPing which I prefer Smile

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