Vllad, I need your opinion
You're the master of logistics here, and there is something that is driving me nuts with my container imports (I know you're more of a trucking guy that ocean freight, but maybe you can point me in the right direction).

Currently around 70% of our imports are getting pulled for inspection (either customs or agriculture). About 1/3 of those inspections turn into intensives. It is adding upwards of 2 weeks delay (and in once case over 3 weeks) before I can get my material to my customers. And even though there is never anything wrong with my goods, I am still stuck with thousands of dollars of inspections fees (on top of the discounts I have to give to customers to smooth ruffled feathers due to delays).

I know this is not uncommon. I know everyone that imports goes through this.

However. This is now something that is pissing me off to the point I'm going to try and do something about it. Ultimately the need for national security is something I fully understand. And even though I think the costs around the inspections are ridiculous, especially when there isn't anything wrong, the thing that drives me into a total rage is that my container will get pulled for inspection, and then not get inspected for 8-10 days (or even more). If there is an 8-10 day back log on containers ahead of mine that need to get inspected, why the hell are they pulling more containers to get inspected???? It doesn't make ANY sense. Work through the stupid backlog first!

There is a very real cost to the American consumer that is surrounding this sham. And a very real negative affect on small businesses who are already operating on very thin margins just to stay afloat.

So I am going to start a petition, but I don't know who I should be petitioning to... any advice? I look online, and I see bunch of people complaining, but nobody seems to be doing anything about it. Or, if they are, they doing a lousy job of letting the people who import know.
Gameless (for now)

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